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Manage Contractors at Company Level

 You must be a Company Administrator to manage the User and Contractor Registers; however, all project administrators can utilise the registers to add users / contractors to their project.

The main advantages for this feature are:

  • Each user has one set of login details even if you have permissions on different projects within your company.
  • Adding users / contractors to your project is very quick and easy.
  • You are able to do cross project analysis for contractors.
  • The address books can be filled up initially through a bulk import.

Add Contractors at the company level

Login to company level.

Go to Company User Register.

Choose Contractor Register.


The list of contractors that are already in the system will show in a grid.


You can add a single group or use the import. First, we will explain the single.


Add single contractor

Click on "Add Group" above the grid.

Fill in the Groupname, Initials and if the group is current.


Click on "Add Group".


Import Contractor

To add more groups in one go, you can use the import.

Click on "Import New Groups" above the grid with all the groups.


On the import screen, you can download the template to fill in.

If you are done with the file, save it somewhere you can find it on your PC.


Then click on "Select" to search the file and click "Open".

The name of the file is filled in in the textbox.

Click on "Import Groups" to import the groups from the file.


A new page will show with a list of the groups that were in the .xls file

If there is something wrong, the record will show in red. It's possible that the group is already in the system.

You can delete the groups that are already in the system by clicking on the cross at the end of the line.

You can also edit the details of the groups in this screen (change the initials because they are already in use).


When you're happy with the list, click "Import Subcontractors" above the grid.

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