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How to move / edit / delete a location pin?


To move / edit / delete a location, click on Plan Viewer in the main menu


Change the first drop down in the blue bar into "Setup"

 Navigate to the drawing that contains the location you want to delete


Click on the location


-To Move,  

Click on "Move" in the pop up.

Drag and drop the location to the place you prefer then click on "Confirm".

-To Edit

Click on "Edit" in the pop up.

A pop up will appear with the location name, Location type and external reference.

Change the info then click on "Confirm".


-To Delete

Click on "Delete" in the pop up.

Then the location will be deleted.

If there are issues or inspections attached to this location, you will see a pop up that says that the location cannot be deleted.


on iOS device, we can move / edit / delete the location pin as this way

To move / edit / delete a location, tap and long hold the location you want to move.

On the bottom of the screen the location menu appears.


-To Move,
Tap on the move icon .

Tap on the screen to move the location.

You can click "Scroll" to scroll the drawing.

Tap "Place" at the bottom to confirm.

-To Edit,
Tap on the edit icon .

The same screen appears when adding a location.

 Then click "Add location" to confirm the changes.

-To Delete, 
Tap on the trashcan icon  to delete the location.

You can only delete the location isn't synchronized yet.


on Android device, we can move / edit / delete the location pin as this way

To move / edit / delete a location, tap and long hold the location you want to edit.

In the center of the screen the location menu appears.


- To Move,

Tap "Move Location" then tap on the screen to move the location,

Tap "Place" to confirm.

- To Edit

Tap "Edit", the same screen appears when adding a location.

Change the details and tap "Add location".

- To Delete,

Tap "Delete Unsync'd Location" and "OK" to delete the location.

You can only delete the location isn't synchronized yet.

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