This is a company level feature
At the pages Regions and Divisions (if you renamed them in Terminology they will show under those names) you can add regions and divisions.
Add Region or Division
When you are in page Region or Division, click on "Add New Region" or "Add New Division" at the bottom of the grid.
A new line appears. Fill in the name of the Region or Division.
Click on the green check mark to save (or the red stop sign if you don't want to save)
Add Sub Region or Sub Division
When you are in page Region or Division, click on the arrow of the Region of Division you want to add a new Sub Region or Division to.
Click on "Add New Sub Region" or "Add New Sub Division"
A new line appears. Fill in the name of the Sub Region or Sub Division.
Click on the blue tick to save (or the red stop sign if you don't want to save)
To change data click on the pencil icon at the end of the row. Change the details and click the green check mark (or red stop sign)
At the page Programs, you can combine the Regions, Divisions or other information into a program. In this way you can sort your projects and have the ability at the login screen to filter on Program, to make the list of projects shorter.
To add a program, click on "Add Program"
Enter a name for your program
Choose the labels for the program
Click on "Add Program" to save the program
To edit a program, click on the pencil icon at the end of the row of the program.
To delete a program, click on the red cross at the end of the row of the program.