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Import Project Checklists (at Project level)

Project Checklist

The Project Checklists page has three tabs: Project Checklist Plots, Project Check Details and Statistics and Import Project Checklist. Checklists are good to use for checks that are dependent of the location itself or the location type. If the checklist is always the same over all projects, you can better use Form Inspections.

At the Project Checklist Plots tab, you are able to see which list is attached to which location. By default you see all the checklists at the bottom of the page. You are able to filter at the top of the page if you are looking for a specific checklist.


At the Project Check Details and Statistics tab, you are able to get an overview of the Checklist. You can filter at the top of the page to select the specific checklists.


If you added the project Checklist Inspection at company level, then you are able to fill it at the project in the third tab.


To import checklists, follow the steps below:

Click on the Import Project Checklist button .


Download the Project Checklist import template. Fill it with the required information and save the file at your computer. Please contact SnagR before your first import.

Code = CheckList initials, Category = CheckList Category, ExtRef = Location ExtRef ,  Description = CheckList description


Choose the Project Checklist from the drop down menu.


Click "Select" to look up the template you just filled in.


Click "Upload Template" to import the checks. It will show any errors in a grid. You need to change the template and re-do the import if there are any errors. Otherwise the grid will show all green.


Click "Add checks to project" to import the checks. The website will navigate to the Project Checklist Plots and will show the imported checklists.

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