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Create Construction Stages

 This is a company level feature

Log into company level. Select Company inspections in the menu and Construction Stages in the sub menu.


To import a Construction Stages Inspection, click on "Import Construction Stages Inspection".


Fill in the name and the initials for the Construction Stages Inspection and click "Create Inspection"


Download the template for the inspection stages. Save the file on your computer.


Fill in the template with your details

In column A you fill in the Activity, for example First Electrical fitting.

In column B you fill in the Trade, for example Electrician

In Column C you fill in the days after start. The first one is normally 0. The second one will be 0 + the duration of the first if the activities are done after each other. It's also possible to have more than one activity at one day.

In column D you fill in the duration of the activity, for example 2 days

In column E you can link an Inspection. If the activity is to fill in an inspection form to check the work done until that moment.

When you're done, save the file to your computer.


Go back to the website and click select and look up your file. Click on "Import Items"


A grid shows it all the items you filled in in the template.

The item shows green if it's ok. If it's not ok, it shows in red, with the reason why it's not ok in the Result column. Make sure that the grid is all green. If it isn't change the template and do the import again. Click "Import Items".


You will return to the overview of the construction stage inspection you just made.

Here you are able to edit the stages. If you want to fill in the template and do the import later, you can go into the construction stages again and click "View".

Then "Import New Construction Stages".

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