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Can I search inspection forms by its content?

You can use the Form Finder - Answers to search inspection forms by the hotspot value.

This means you are able to search the inspections based on the answers that were given.


Choose the inspection


Choose the page


Choose the question


If you picked a question, it will show the possible answers (or a textfield) where you can filter by. In the example we wanted the clean up notices where on page 1 the location contains "test". If you picked the answer, click on Add to Query. You have the possibility to filter on more than one question. It's possible to search on a combination AND or different items OR.


Then click View Forms


Below the filter area there will be a table with the inspections that contains the answer that you filled in. You can view the inspection on the drawing or open the inspection itself by clicking on one of the icons in the first column.


If you scroll futher down, you will see a preview of the inspection. This will help you to select the right elements in the filter (the preview will show when you picked the inspection and / or the page).


You are also able to print the list of the inspections you found.


If you click on Export to PDF, you are able to download a zip file containing the inspections you filtered.


If you click on Form Heatmap, this will show you the heatmap of the inspection based on you filter. If an item is filled in a lot, it will show a big red spot. When an item isn't filled in a lot, it will show a small red spot or even a green one (or maybe grey if the item isn't filled in at all).


You can also click on the Form Popularity Map. This will show you the times that an answer is filled in.


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