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Add Permit Form Pages


 This is a company level feature.

Once the inspection has been created (Add Permit Inspection), continue the process to create your permit(s).

On submitting your new inspection, the Edit Permit page will load. This will show that no forms have been added to this inspection yet.



To create a brand new form click “Create Permit”.

To use a form that has previously been create within a different inspection, select the form from the drop down list and click “Add Form”.


Insert the form/permit name. This can be the same as the inspection if the inspection only has one permit/form

Insert a form/permit code (max 6 alphanumeric characters)

Insert a form/permit description. This is what will display on the mobile device to tell the user what is expected of them (max 30 characters).

Specify the number of form pages the permit contains.

If this permit is an inspection that can be passed or failed then select “Has Pass / Fail?”


When you are happy with the permit details then click “Add Form”.


Browse to the image of each page of the permit.



Click Add Form.


The pages of the permit will then load within the SnagR Forms Wizard ready to add hotspots.

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