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How to design the issue list?

The issue list is used to speed up the process of capturing defects and facilitate subsequent data analysis. 

The issue list has 3 tiers. 

This is designed so that you can look for a relevant description efficiently through layers of category. 

   Issue type can be linked to contractor names, meaning when someone selects a particular issue type, the system automatically knows which contractor should be responsible for it.

How long should the issue list be?

We suggest for each tier there are: 

1st (Issue Category): around 5 - 10 categories 

2nd (Issue Type): around 15 - 20 types under each category

3rd (Issue Description): around 20 types under each type

In our experience, if the team attempts to create a perfectly comprehensive list, there is a chance that it gets too long to scroll through and eventually people find it difficult to look for a relevant description of the issue they capture onsite. 

If you are starting the list from scratch, it would be wise to start short and add common issue descriptions along the way. If you are worried people get stuck not finding a relevant description on the spot, add "Others" as an option so that they can choose it and elaborate on the comment box.

This is tough. I don't know where to start. Is there a standard list I can make adjustments with?

Over time we have developed standard issue lists from our experience with implementing SnagR for different clients across various industries. Below are some samples, so you do not have to reinvent the wheel. We hope this helps.

SnagR Standard Issue List By Trade.xls 

SnagR Photo Diary Description List.xls

   Who can set up standard issue list?  

Only administrators on company level can set up, import, and edit the standard issue list. 

The administrators on project level can only choose to enable and disable issue categories but will not be able to edit the list.

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